Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dry Ice
This is a video showing dry ice. Dry ice is always entertaining. Dry ice is a frozen carbon dioxide. Many people use dry ice to keep frozen things fresh. This article explains dry ice.

evolution picture
This is a picture that people usually use to describe evolution. It shows that humans came from animals and the how we also involved into always on the computer. That shows that no a days, people spend a lot of time on the computer or other technology things and that is how we are potrayed.

Diet coke and Aspartame
Diet coke is really known for the aspartame in it. There are tons and tons of people that will not drink diet coke because of the affects that it will have on your body. The "sweetner" that is used can cause awful things like cancer. This article explains how bad it really is. "Reality is in that twisted Diet coke can. It's poison. It's killing the unborn, raining tumors and seizures on the population, destroying children, incapacitating workers, mimicking MS, erasing memory and blinding. "

How the internet affect students
With todays technology there is soo much that teenagers can do on the internet. They can use it for school work, study for tests, and play games. There are now fun websites that serve as huge distractions... just like and just to name two. Students get so distracted by these that it can affect their school work as well as keeping them up late at night and not getting enough sleep.

Finals week affect health of students
With finals coming up, HBHA students are starting to get very stressed out. Teachers are cramming last minute homework, essays and projects. Even though teachers believe and have the right to believe that their class is the most important because that is their job to teach us...they are stressing out a lot of students. Students are just now getting back assignments and tests that they compleated months ago and are expected to redo them. This is taking over studying for finals and other things going on in high school students lives.
This article is an article about how students get sick and stressed out. Students loose out on sleep, excerize and a lot of other things that are bad on our health.
soo.. good luck on finals..

Monday, December 6, 2010

We have heard about the very tragic fire that started last week in Israel. The fire is finally contained after many hours, deaths, and evacuations. At first, everyone just assumed it was a terroist attack, but they are now also looking at the fact that Israel is VEeeEERrYYyYyy dry. Having really dry lands, and hot, humid weather, caused a fire...
They don't know the exact cause of the fire, they are still looking into it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Looottsss offf staarrsss

Astromers have discovered that there are actually triple the amount of stars then it seems. The stars are known as little red dwarfs. Astromers saw that there was a difference between every galaxey. This includes The Milky Way which is our neighbor. The two galaxeys are very differnet and it is because of the difference between the amount of stars.
This article explains more..

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jump Rope Aerodynamics
Jump ropes can be a lot of fun, and a great source of exersize. But there is a big deal of physics behind how it works. This article explains it. "Our main discovery is how the air-induced drag affects the shape of the rope and the work necessary to rotate it," says Princeton researcher Jeff Aristoff. "Aerodynamic forces cause the rope to bend in such a way that the total drag is reduced." (Leaves do this too when they bend out of the wind.) This deflection or twisting is most important in the middle of the rope and the least at the ends. If the rope is too light it might not clear the body of the jumper.
So the next time you are jump roping, think about the physics behind it, and it could not only be fun and exciting, but you can also learn about physics!!

Baby fat can lead to later health problems
The article states that"Baby fat can be a harbinger of serious disease later on. Being overweight as a young child is a strong predictor of diabetes and heart disease risk in early adulthood, a new Dutch study finds."
This article is about how overweight children can lead to disease in later years. It is interesiing because even from such a young age, doctors can tell what health problems the children are going to have when they get older.
"Although increasing BMI was a strong risk factor for adult disease, being a big baby with an unvarying but high BMI was also associated with higher risk of metabolic syndrome in adulthood, de Kroon says. Weighing too much appears to be bad for adult health, whether a child starts big or merely gets that way during childhood. Moreover, she points out, “if a very thin child is becoming heavier, it may still have a very high risk [of adult disease] even if it never seems too fat.” So even parents of slim kids should watch that children don’t exceed the normal growth curve, she says."

To infinity and beyond!
This is an article about how a planet in the milky way is actually from another galaxy. Sara Seager of MIT, who was not part of the study. “The planet almost certainly formed during the time the star was in the other galaxy.” I think this is pretty interesting because for a long time we have thought one thing but now we know it is something else. This happens a lot in science and it is really cool to watch the changes.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Making a prezi

Right now, our class is working on making prezis. We are making a presentaion about evolution and creationism. The prezi is a really cool way to make a presention. It makes things look super cool and a great way to learn about a subject!
You can make a prezi about anything you want!!

Optical Illusions
This is a video on a bunch of different optical illusions.
Optical illusions sometimes freak me out! These are really cool though! CHEAK IT OUTTT!


This is a video someone made and theyknow what card you are pointing at. I did it and they knew that I was on four. SoOOOooo CraAAaazZZYyyyyYY

child psychology experiment

This is a video about a child psychology test.  An adult had two of the same sized cups of water and one empty tall glass. The child understood that the water was the same amount when they were in the small glasses, but then once the lady poured the water into the tall glass he immedietly thought that the tall glass now had more water. The little boy could not understand that the amount of water did not change.

The famous diet coke and mento experiement

Everyone loves the great diet coke and mento experiement. This is a video that goes through each step and explains why this reaction happens.

how a torando is formed

Living in Kansas, and becuase I am kind of facinated by cool thunderstorms, I wanted to share a video on how tornadoes are formed. This is a video about a weather man who is informing everyone about how a tornado is formed for the increase and decreases in weather.
pretty cool, huh??


This is a video about evolution. Right now, our class is working on making presentations about evolution vs creationism. Even though this is a cartoon video, I think it does a really good job of showing what evolution is.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Apple annonces new laptops!
   Today, Apple annonced a new computer. It is a new MacBook Air. The laptop is very thin! I am not such a fan of Macs anyway, but after looking at this new computer about a MacBook and a Ipad mixed together, I dont think it is that cool. I dont really like this new computer that Apple just annonced.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Paraplegics Walking Again
This is a video about how a California company has created a device that can help paraplegics to walk again. This is cool because if there is already a device causing a cure for immobility, think of what else can be caused in a short number  of time!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Study finds Autism linked to jaundice in newborns

This article is about a study done about newborn babies who are born with jaundice. The study shows that babies who are born with jaundice are 67% more likely to develop Autism then those babies who were not born with jaundice. I chose to blog about this article because a baby in my community was just born this past Thursday and he has been in the hospital since then. The parents did not say much about what was wrong with him, but they said he had jaundice. When I opened up the Internet, I saw this article so I blogged about it. Children are usually diagnosed at around four or five with Autism. I think that it is kind of scary that there are more and more newborns that are being diagnosed with Autism.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Seeing Jupiter

Last night, we  to see Jupiter. It was really cool because this does not happen very often. Right now, Jupiter is very visible. When you look at it with just the naked eye, it just looks like a really bright star. Last night, we looked at it through a telescope and we were able to see the moons around it as well as the ring. At first, I didn't really see the difference between looking at it with the naked eye and looking at it through a telescope, but then After Mr. Welton explained the the tiny white specks were moons, I could clearly see that it was a planet and not a star. I am really happy that we got to see Jupiter it was cool.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Can There Be a Science of Good and Evil?

Sam Harris published a book called The End of Faith. He recieved letters from thosands of people on the continuum between faith and doubt. He noticed that both sides belive that science is powerless and can't answer ever the most important questions to life. Religious people tend of believe that there are right answers to the meaning of life. They get that meaning from god. However, people on the more secular side, do not belive that moral questions exist. In the United States, issues between conservative and liberals still come up between sbortion and gay marriages.

"Are there good and bad paths to take across this landscape of possibilities? Of course. In fact, there are, by definition, paths that lead to the worst misery and to the greatest fulfillment possible for these two people--given the structure of their brains, the immediate facts of their environment, and the laws of Nature. The underlying facts here are the facts of physics, chemistry and biology as they bear on the experience of the only two people in existence." This is a quote that is talking about how two people take different paths and can end up completely changing everything. It is all in the science. There are a lot of ethical questions that people have today. science of people flourishing may seem far away, but in order to find it and get to that point, people first must come to the conclusion that people can actually think that way.

Monday, October 4, 2010

You can grunt your way to win tennis matches
Whenever I watch tennis matches I always hear the players grunting. I never thought much of it, but scientifically it really helps you win the game. When you grunt your opponent is distracted by the volume of the grunt and the ball coming towards them very quickly. When a ball is hit 50 mph, it can seem up to two feet closer to the opponent than it actually is. Grunting does not just make you sound more intimidating but it helps you win games too!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cool Science Experiment Video
This is a cool video about dry ice and things to do with it!

How The Brain Chooses Sides

This article is about how the brain chooses sides and knows what to do. Scientests still don't really know what to do and how the brain works and they are still going to be researching it for a long time. "A part of the brain called the left posterior parietal cortex plans button-pressing movements for both hands simultaneously".

Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't waste waste!
This article is talking about how creator Matthew Mazzotta, made this hoping it will get people to think about not wasting waste...starting with their dog's poop. This machine will allow the people to put their dog's waste into the tank, then turn a wheel to stir the waste and water. It then gives off methane gas and is fed through the lamp and gives off light. This is cool, yet pretty gross, because it is giving people the chance to help keep the environment clean.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chemicals in indoor swimming pools can cause cancer...

I thought that this article was interesting because it is showing another reason to how cancer is caused. People make so many assumptions to cancer and this is just another reason. I think that it is kind of redicolous, ya, maybe something in swimming in indoor pools can have symptomes that may cause cancer, but what is the difference between indoor pools and outdoor pools? They both use the same type of chemicals. I kind of think that this is like how people think that cell phone use causes cancer. I do think that it is not good for you to talk on the phone a lot but I dont think that it is a direct link to cancer.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Annual Meteor Shower

This article is about the Perseids meteor shower that takes place every summer in August. The meteor shower is caused from when the earth enters into the field of debris that is caused from the comet swift tuttle. Two summers ago and this past summer, I have watched this meteor shower. It is really amazing. I saw a lot of huge meteors (shooting stars) and hundereds of mini sized meteors. It was really cool to watch!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

This website has a couple cool illusions. I think that they are really cool! Sometimes I do not immedietly see it. But when I look at it for a long time I start to see what the illusion is. It is really cool to see what different people see first in the picture. The picture of the duck, but yet it also looks like a rabbit, people might see the rabbit first, but I see the duck first.

Vending Machines cause childhood obesity...duh..

This article is all about a survey was given to many schools across America, from elementary school to high school. Studies proved that when children eat more and more snack foods from vending machines they will have a bad eating habits for when they get older. That is pretty obvious!! I thought this article was interesting because clearly it is a big issue and it is not stopping. I think that it is interesting because our school took away the soda vending machines and put in water and powerade machines. I think that was a very good idea for our school because when you are sitting in class and your bored, you drink or eat, and taking away the soda is a good way for students not to drink unhealthy drinks.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Top Ten Reasons to be Vaccinated
This is a list of the tip ten reasons to get vaccinated. I honestly do not know which side I would take on whether I think that getting vaccinated is good or bad. I think it is important to get vaccinated and I also respect those who do not get vaccinated.

Hurrican Earl...Seen from Space!
 This is really cool because this is happening right now! It is awesome that you can see the full hurricane and the full formation of it. Earl is going to be very interesting to watch and see what happens with it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Titanic is Found!

I think this is really cool that they have found parts of Titanic. The fact that they found it, but then because of Hurricane Danielle, they could not countinue. They are now using robots and science to find out more. That is really cool!
"Scientist are using imaging technology and sonar devices that never have been used before on the Titanic wreck. They are probing nearly a century of sediment in the debris field to seek a full inventory of the ship's artifacts."

Friday, August 20, 2010

A dwarf planet is bigger than Pluto

I thought this was cool because why is Eris not considered a planet? It is a lot bigger than Pluto and Pluto is not long a planet, so why lose a planet, and gain one?

Thunderstorms and Asthma

This article is about how a lot of people who have asthma, have attacks days after big thunderstorms. "The rainfall actually can break the pollens into smaller aero-allergens -- the pollen grains -- and this can actually exacerbate upper respiratory problems," says Dr. Shepherd. When I saw this article, I wanted to read it because before and after big thunderstorms I get really bad headaches. My father always told me it was because of the change of pressure that happens when storms come in.