Monday, November 22, 2010

Baby fat can lead to later health problems
The article states that"Baby fat can be a harbinger of serious disease later on. Being overweight as a young child is a strong predictor of diabetes and heart disease risk in early adulthood, a new Dutch study finds."
This article is about how overweight children can lead to disease in later years. It is interesiing because even from such a young age, doctors can tell what health problems the children are going to have when they get older.
"Although increasing BMI was a strong risk factor for adult disease, being a big baby with an unvarying but high BMI was also associated with higher risk of metabolic syndrome in adulthood, de Kroon says. Weighing too much appears to be bad for adult health, whether a child starts big or merely gets that way during childhood. Moreover, she points out, “if a very thin child is becoming heavier, it may still have a very high risk [of adult disease] even if it never seems too fat.” So even parents of slim kids should watch that children don’t exceed the normal growth curve, she says."

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