Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Apple annonces new laptops!
   Today, Apple annonced a new computer. It is a new MacBook Air. The laptop is very thin! I am not such a fan of Macs anyway, but after looking at this new computer about a MacBook and a Ipad mixed together, I dont think it is that cool. I dont really like this new computer that Apple just annonced.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Paraplegics Walking Again
This is a video about how a California company has created a device that can help paraplegics to walk again. This is cool because if there is already a device causing a cure for immobility, think of what else can be caused in a short number  of time!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Study finds Autism linked to jaundice in newborns

This article is about a study done about newborn babies who are born with jaundice. The study shows that babies who are born with jaundice are 67% more likely to develop Autism then those babies who were not born with jaundice. I chose to blog about this article because a baby in my community was just born this past Thursday and he has been in the hospital since then. The parents did not say much about what was wrong with him, but they said he had jaundice. When I opened up the Internet, I saw this article so I blogged about it. Children are usually diagnosed at around four or five with Autism. I think that it is kind of scary that there are more and more newborns that are being diagnosed with Autism.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Seeing Jupiter

Last night, we  to see Jupiter. It was really cool because this does not happen very often. Right now, Jupiter is very visible. When you look at it with just the naked eye, it just looks like a really bright star. Last night, we looked at it through a telescope and we were able to see the moons around it as well as the ring. At first, I didn't really see the difference between looking at it with the naked eye and looking at it through a telescope, but then After Mr. Welton explained the the tiny white specks were moons, I could clearly see that it was a planet and not a star. I am really happy that we got to see Jupiter it was cool.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Can There Be a Science of Good and Evil?

Sam Harris published a book called The End of Faith. He recieved letters from thosands of people on the continuum between faith and doubt. He noticed that both sides belive that science is powerless and can't answer ever the most important questions to life. Religious people tend of believe that there are right answers to the meaning of life. They get that meaning from god. However, people on the more secular side, do not belive that moral questions exist. In the United States, issues between conservative and liberals still come up between sbortion and gay marriages.

"Are there good and bad paths to take across this landscape of possibilities? Of course. In fact, there are, by definition, paths that lead to the worst misery and to the greatest fulfillment possible for these two people--given the structure of their brains, the immediate facts of their environment, and the laws of Nature. The underlying facts here are the facts of physics, chemistry and biology as they bear on the experience of the only two people in existence." This is a quote that is talking about how two people take different paths and can end up completely changing everything. It is all in the science. There are a lot of ethical questions that people have today. science of people flourishing may seem far away, but in order to find it and get to that point, people first must come to the conclusion that people can actually think that way.

Monday, October 4, 2010

You can grunt your way to win tennis matches
Whenever I watch tennis matches I always hear the players grunting. I never thought much of it, but scientifically it really helps you win the game. When you grunt your opponent is distracted by the volume of the grunt and the ball coming towards them very quickly. When a ball is hit 50 mph, it can seem up to two feet closer to the opponent than it actually is. Grunting does not just make you sound more intimidating but it helps you win games too!!