Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cool Science Experiment Video

This is a cool video about dry ice and things to do with it!

How The Brain Chooses Sides


This article is about how the brain chooses sides and knows what to do. Scientests still don't really know what to do and how the brain works and they are still going to be researching it for a long time. "A part of the brain called the left posterior parietal cortex plans button-pressing movements for both hands simultaneously".

Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't waste waste!

This article is talking about how creator Matthew Mazzotta, made this hoping it will get people to think about not wasting waste...starting with their dog's poop. This machine will allow the people to put their dog's waste into the tank, then turn a wheel to stir the waste and water. It then gives off methane gas and is fed through the lamp and gives off light. This is cool, yet pretty gross, because it is giving people the chance to help keep the environment clean.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chemicals in indoor swimming pools can cause cancer...


I thought that this article was interesting because it is showing another reason to how cancer is caused. People make so many assumptions to cancer and this is just another reason. I think that it is kind of redicolous, ya, maybe something in swimming in indoor pools can have symptomes that may cause cancer, but what is the difference between indoor pools and outdoor pools? They both use the same type of chemicals. I kind of think that this is like how people think that cell phone use causes cancer. I do think that it is not good for you to talk on the phone a lot but I dont think that it is a direct link to cancer.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Annual Meteor Shower


This article is about the Perseids meteor shower that takes place every summer in August. The meteor shower is caused from when the earth enters into the field of debris that is caused from the comet swift tuttle. Two summers ago and this past summer, I have watched this meteor shower. It is really amazing. I saw a lot of huge meteors (shooting stars) and hundereds of mini sized meteors. It was really cool to watch!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


This website has a couple cool illusions. I think that they are really cool! Sometimes I do not immedietly see it. But when I look at it for a long time I start to see what the illusion is. It is really cool to see what different people see first in the picture. The picture of the duck, but yet it also looks like a rabbit, people might see the rabbit first, but I see the duck first.

Vending Machines cause childhood obesity...duh..

This article is all about a survey was given to many schools across America, from elementary school to high school. Studies proved that when children eat more and more snack foods from vending machines they will have a bad eating habits for when they get older. That is pretty obvious!! I thought this article was interesting because clearly it is a big issue and it is not stopping. I think that it is interesting because our school took away the soda vending machines and put in water and powerade machines. I think that was a very good idea for our school because when you are sitting in class and your bored, you drink or eat, and taking away the soda is a good way for students not to drink unhealthy drinks.