Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Top Ten Reasons to be Vaccinated

This is a list of the tip ten reasons to get vaccinated. I honestly do not know which side I would take on whether I think that getting vaccinated is good or bad. I think it is important to get vaccinated and I also respect those who do not get vaccinated.

Hurrican Earl...Seen from Space!

 This is really cool because this is happening right now! It is awesome that you can see the full hurricane and the full formation of it. Earl is going to be very interesting to watch and see what happens with it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Titanic is Found!


I think this is really cool that they have found parts of Titanic. The fact that they found it, but then because of Hurricane Danielle, they could not countinue. They are now using robots and science to find out more. That is really cool!
"Scientist are using imaging technology and sonar devices that never have been used before on the Titanic wreck. They are probing nearly a century of sediment in the debris field to seek a full inventory of the ship's artifacts."

Friday, August 20, 2010

A dwarf planet is bigger than Pluto


I thought this was cool because why is Eris not considered a planet? It is a lot bigger than Pluto and Pluto is not long a planet, so why lose a planet, and gain one?

Thunderstorms and Asthma


This article is about how a lot of people who have asthma, have attacks days after big thunderstorms. "The rainfall actually can break the pollens into smaller aero-allergens -- the pollen grains -- and this can actually exacerbate upper respiratory problems," says Dr. Shepherd. When I saw this article, I wanted to read it because before and after big thunderstorms I get really bad headaches. My father always told me it was because of the change of pressure that happens when storms come in.