Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dry Ice
This is a video showing dry ice. Dry ice is always entertaining. Dry ice is a frozen carbon dioxide. Many people use dry ice to keep frozen things fresh. This article explains dry ice.

evolution picture
This is a picture that people usually use to describe evolution. It shows that humans came from animals and the how we also involved into always on the computer. That shows that no a days, people spend a lot of time on the computer or other technology things and that is how we are potrayed.

Diet coke and Aspartame
Diet coke is really known for the aspartame in it. There are tons and tons of people that will not drink diet coke because of the affects that it will have on your body. The "sweetner" that is used can cause awful things like cancer. This article explains how bad it really is. "Reality is in that twisted Diet coke can. It's poison. It's killing the unborn, raining tumors and seizures on the population, destroying children, incapacitating workers, mimicking MS, erasing memory and blinding. "

How the internet affect students
With todays technology there is soo much that teenagers can do on the internet. They can use it for school work, study for tests, and play games. There are now fun websites that serve as huge distractions... just like and just to name two. Students get so distracted by these that it can affect their school work as well as keeping them up late at night and not getting enough sleep.

Finals week affect health of students
With finals coming up, HBHA students are starting to get very stressed out. Teachers are cramming last minute homework, essays and projects. Even though teachers believe and have the right to believe that their class is the most important because that is their job to teach us...they are stressing out a lot of students. Students are just now getting back assignments and tests that they compleated months ago and are expected to redo them. This is taking over studying for finals and other things going on in high school students lives.
This article is an article about how students get sick and stressed out. Students loose out on sleep, excerize and a lot of other things that are bad on our health.
soo.. good luck on finals..

Monday, December 6, 2010

We have heard about the very tragic fire that started last week in Israel. The fire is finally contained after many hours, deaths, and evacuations. At first, everyone just assumed it was a terroist attack, but they are now also looking at the fact that Israel is VEeeEERrYYyYyy dry. Having really dry lands, and hot, humid weather, caused a fire...
They don't know the exact cause of the fire, they are still looking into it.